Japanese archery initiation

Initiation Japanese archery

Kyudo, the way of the bow, is traditional Japanese archery, grown from a dual use of the bow. As in several other civilisations, it was a classic tool for hunting and war. On the other hand, the bow also took on a strong symbolic charge in Japan. It was already used in ancient times at the imperial court in court games of the nobility, as well as in religious rituals. In the 16th century, after the introduction of firearms, the bow lost its function as a hunting and war weapon and gradually became an instrument in the Bushido ” the way of the warrior”.
In modern times, Kyudo develops as a martial art that uses bow and arrow to develop the personality and character of the archer, focusing on beauty, truth and virtue. This discipline has its roots in the heart of Japanese philosophical and religious thought, in Confucianism, Shintoism and Buddhism. It transcends its technical essences and focuses on the full humanity. She seeks in that human complexity the unity between body, mind, heart and technology. In that unity lies a true attitude to be mentally and physically strong in the world.

This initiation is an initiative of the Belgian Kyudo Federation and is organised by people in charge of the TAITOKAN Kyudojo (Liège) & the KITA KAZE Kyudojo (Antwerp)

Constant Piqueray (5th dan),
MarQ Willems (5th dan),
Iannis Mavroidis (4th dan).




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