The European federation was established in 1980. It has currently 19 members representing the following countries :
Austria: Oesterreichischer Kyudo Verband
Belgium: Zen Begian Kyudo Renmei
Denmark: Dansk Kyudo Forbund
Finland: Finnish Kyudo Federation
France: Fédération de Kyudo Traditionnel
Germany:Deutscher Kyudo Bund E.V.
Iceland: Islenska Kyudofelagid
Italy: Assocazione Italiana Per Il Kyudo
Lithuania: Lietuvos Kyudo Federacija
Luxembourg: Luxemburg Kyudo Federation
Netherlands: Kyudo Renmei Netherlands
Norway: Norges Kyudo Forbund
Portugal: Associação Portuguesa De Kyudo
Romania: Asociatia Romana De Kyudo
Russia: Ipo «Kyudo Federation»
Spain: Asociación Española De Kyudo
Sweden: Svenska Kendoforbundet/Kyudo
Switzerland: Association Helvetique De Kyudo
UK: United Kingdom Kyudo Association
The EKF organises the yearly European seminars lead by a selection of Japanese masters representing the All Nippon Kyudo Federation. During these seminars, archers can present examinations for grades ranging from 1st dan to 6th dan as well for the title of Renshi.