On September 4th and 5th, between 11am and 7pm, members of the Liège dojo will participate with the Liège based event “Retrouvailles”. It will be an opportunity for promoting kyudo to the general public as well as for makiwara training. The event will take place at Boverie Parc in Liège and kyudo will be found more precisely behind the museum located in the parc.
National Seminar in Brussels
On June 19 and 20 the belgian federation’s yearly seminar took place in Brussels. About 50 Kyudoka from the dojos of Brussels, Liège, Wavre, Antwerp and Luxembourg gathered for a weekend with the aim to deepen their understanding of the way of the Japanese bow under the supervision of Vlasselaer Jean-Pierre Sensei, Renshi 6th Dan, and Christiane Roulez, 5th Dan.
Participation to the first worldwide Kyudo Taikai in Tokyo
On April 24 and 25, the International Kyudo federation (IKYF) has conveyed kyudoka from all over the world to take part in the first international kyudo competition in Tokyo.
10th anniversary of the Luxembourg Kyudo Federation
First international exchange seminar
This seminar organized for 3rd dan and above took place in Louvain-la-Neuve from March 28 till 30.